Monday, February 23, 2009

We. Are. Coming.

Here's the new poster for Torchwood season three, Children of Earth - oooooh.....


Anonymous said...

now stop this teasing .....

I was just settling down to a sedate, suburban, mindlessness and you keep titillating me with these snippets of adventure!

Let my life stay dull and unadventurous.

(do I sound like a nerdy shut in or what?!??!)

Tim Norton said...

Gwen with guns.

Anonymous said...

Excited? Much!!!!!!!

caoin said...

No, I think I'm coming.

Sorry, but someone had to lift the tone.

I wonder if Jack and Ianto are holding hands behind Gwen's back. Come to think of it I suppose they could be doing almost anything back there.

iurgi said...

That is indeed exciting!!!! Cant' wait.